פוסטים מחודש December, 2004


Oh, the shame.

בקטגוריות: Uncategorized

27 Dec 2004

Me, a Tel-Avivian true, performed that most unurban faux-pas. Walking home today, I stepped into some doggie-doo on the sidewalk. Oh, the shame. Oh, the humiliation for the urban animal. I should really notice where I’m walking and stop thinking about existentialism in popular movies. Oh, and girls. Should probably think less about girls, too.

Double Secret Probation

בקטגוריות: Uncategorized

27 Dec 2004

It’s nice to suddenly get a pun or subtle reference you’ve missed all these years. National Lampoon’s “Animal House” is set in the fictional Max Faber college. This is (as I now get) a direct reference to Max Frisch’s “Homo Faber”, or “Working Man” – a description of the 19th century conception that Man was […]

בקטגוריות: Uncategorized

22 Dec 2004

Matchbooks from the 60’s and 70’s. Lileks, indeed, has got it.

VIP Fibers can supply you with hand-spun yarn, made from the fur of you “very important pet”. Yes, it’s true. Is your cat shedding? Did you trim your dog for the summer? Afraid to clog the sink with the hairs and seeking a way to be more intimate with your pet that won’t involve legal […]

בקטגוריות: Uncategorized

12 Dec 2004

I officially want this week to be over already. Good, healthy, early start. 🙁

בקטגוריות: Uncategorized

9 Dec 2004

“There was no tomorrows / We packed up all our sorrows / And we saved them for a rainy day”         Martha / Tom Waits Dunno. The lines just struck me. Good song.

Here is final, clinching proof that .NET has no chance to survive the coming years: Survival of Computer Languages. His English is a rather crappy, but bear with him

בקטגוריות: Uncategorized

6 Dec 2004

בקטגוריות: Uncategorized

6 Dec 2004

Since a couple of people wanted the link: LJ and the LAW.

פעם היה לי לייבג'ורנל. עכשיו הוא כאן, מגובה.
