Backup of my old LiveJournal blog
בקטגוריות: Uncategorized
3 Jan 2009זה לא ממש היה ראוי, אני מניח, לתייג אוטומטית את הבחורה בבית הקפה כלסבית. יציבה גברית, כן, ותספורת קצוצה. ועניבה. כן. ועדיין, לא נעים לשפוט ע"פ סטריאוטיפים.
אבל זה שהיא כל הזמן התמזמזה עם חברה שלה היה די אינדיקטיבי.
פעם היה לי לייבג'ורנל. עכשיו הוא כאן, מגובה.
210 תגובות על Preconceptions
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 07:16
The popular vote
ואני תמיד אומר שבד”כ יש סיבה טובה לכך שסטריאוטיפים הם כאלו
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 12:52
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
3 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 11:47
Would Sonya call this poetry or prose?
Very cool.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 14:04
The whole “right-justified but left-aligned” structure is, well, not what I intended, but it was late and I couldn’t be bothered to fix the HTML. It grew from the fact that I wanted to limit the width of the text, because I don’t like it when text gets too wide – on my screen, for instance, the entire entry would take a line and a half, and it’s harder to read and a lot less aesthetic.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.
4 בJanuary, 2009 בשעה 10:24
I don’t really get the structure, but I really like it.