Backup of my old LiveJournal blog
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17 Oct 2006The shoreline Highway 1 along the Pacific ocean, from Monterey down to Los Angeles, really is as beautiful as everyone said it would be. Cliffs and beaches, the ocean itself. Great, really.
But sometimes it pays off to look at the other side of the road. I find myself doing a double take, driving into the roadside and making a U-turn just to make sure I saw what I thought I saw.
I did.
פעם היה לי לייבג'ורנל. עכשיו הוא כאן, מגובה.
2 תגובות על Stripes Ahoy!
18 בOctober, 2006 בשעה 14:58
Is this by any chance not far from Hearst Castle?
Was there 16 years ago, and distinctly remember running into a zebra or three…
18 בOctober, 2006 בשעה 15:24
It is indeed, though I only disovered that a while later. The zebras he imported still run around with the herds of cattle that are a part of the estate.
I noticed they’re selling Hearst-brand beef jerky. I wonder if they’ve got a “Zebra-safe!” sticker on it, like on the tuna.