Backup of my old LiveJournal blog
בקטגוריות: Uncategorized
Which Princess Bride Character are You?this quiz was made by mysti
Anyone surprised? via
22 בDecember, 2003 בשעה 06:03
And I just happen to be Count Rugen!
So what if I replied that I’ll run away from a battle? Does that make me a sadistic six-fingered woman?!
22 בDecember, 2003 בשעה 13:41
Well, me, actually.
שם (חובה)
אימייל (חובה)
פעם היה לי לייבג'ורנל. עכשיו הוא כאן, מגובה.
2 תגובות על “Does anybody want a peanut?”
22 בDecember, 2003 בשעה 06:03
And I just happen to be Count Rugen!
So what if I replied that I’ll run away from a battle? Does that make me a sadistic six-fingered woman?!
22 בDecember, 2003 בשעה 13:41
Well, me, actually.