פוסטים מחודש July, 2003

I think I’m actually getting the hang of the whole registration process. Sorta. New problem – the General BA program I’m aiming for can only be taken as a part of a dual-major. So now I need to decide on a second major, and one that doesn’t clash with the programs I want to take […]

בקטגוריות: Uncategorized

28 Jul 2003

Ok, school update. Last entry, I proposed the subject of studying abroad. Examining my feelings about this, I’m not quite so thrilled about it. I’m all for looking for some sort of student exchange program to see if I can take a semester or two somewhere else, but it seems the thought of studying at […]


בקטגוריות: Uncategorized

26 Jul 2003

You’re Ireland! Mystical and rain-soaked, you remain mysterious to many people, and this makes you intriguing.  You also like a good night at the pub, though many are just as worried that you will blow up the pub as drink your beverage of choice.  You’re good with words, remarkably lucky, and know and enjoy at […]

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Today was Wednesday, 23rd of July. IgoRetro is in two weeks on Friday, 8th of August. And yet, amazingly, I ran the foreplay for my game, Tombstone, today. Not at the last minute, Not the day before, Not when it’s way, way too late. I ran it two weeks in advance, like it was MEANT […]

For the first time in many many years, I’m reconsidering my academic future. I’m not talking about not going for an academic degree at all – aside from leaving my mother in fits, I also WANT to go study. Very much so. But for some reason I’m no longer dead-set on Computer Science as my […]

בקטגוריות: Uncategorized

12 Jul 2003

Every once in a while, PLIF come up with something that’s just too good. Or this.

בקטגוריות: Uncategorized

11 Jul 2003

I like my new pic. Ha!

בקטגוריות: Uncategorized

4 Jul 2003

There are bands I like better than the Beatles. Bands I think are better, musically and stylistically. There are songs I like better than the Beatles’. Songs that fill me with exhiliration. Songs that pull me deep. But there’s just something about them that never grows old, never gets tired. It’s always a favorite as […]

בקטגוריות: Uncategorized

4 Jul 2003

On one hand, I’m about 500 pages into Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix now, and it’s good. On the other hand, it’s the American version, and I get a cringe every time they mention the Sorcerer’s Stone, which is bad. On the third hand (ahem, ahem), Gary Oldman is playing Sirius Black […]

פעם היה לי לייבג'ורנל. עכשיו הוא כאן, מגובה.
