פוסטים שתוייגו ’roleplaying

יוצאת מהדורה חדשה ל-D&D. מהדורה רביעית. ה-Classes מחולקים לתפקידים – סופגי נזק, גורמי נזק. תומכי לחימה. מפקדים. הפארטי מעולם לא נלחמה כל-כך טוב ביחד. מעולם לא היתה ממוקדת כל כך. אין סיבה לבזבז זמן בלהלחם בגובלינים – תגדיר אותם כ-minions, ותתן להם היט-פוינט אחד כל אחד. מי נלחם בגובלין אחד בימינו? שלושה גלים מסתערים, לפחות. […]

    Several months ago, I started reading Michael Chabon’s "The Yiddish Policemen’s Union", an alt-history novel about the Jewish state in Alaska, 1999. It’s good – Chabon’s a wonderful author – but I stopped after about a hundred pages and moved on, telling myself I’d return to it soon. It was just too full of… […]

Just for one day

בקטגוריות: Uncategorized

23 Feb 2008

One of my favorite characters played has been Kevin, Prince of Amber. He was a ridiculously fun character to play, a Japanese-American geek that suddenly finds himself wielding unimaginable power as a Prince of Amber. The first thing he does is take himself out to Shadow, coming back to Amber a couple of years later […]

The roleplaying character meme.

בקטגוריות: Uncategorized

2 Oct 2006

Warning: This is completely uninteresting to any non-roleplayers.Come to think about it, for most roleplayers too. Via themoniker Name 12 characters you have played in RPGs, before looking at the questions that follow. List your characters numbered 1 to 12, with the name of the RPG you played them in. Once you’ve picked your 12 […]

בקטגוריות: Uncategorized

23 Nov 2003

You know, Ayelet (ntopaa, but she doesn’t really use it) posted the link to our old Amber site in the Phorum a few days ago, which got me looking at it again, and you know what? It’s not a bad site. The colors are a bit too dark, at least on this display, but belvane‘s […]

Once again, it’s 3:00am. This time, though, I’m not sitting in front the of the computer stressed out, writing character like mad, angry and myself for not learning a lesson, worried about my game, worried about my NON-game, worried worried worried. It’s all past now. Game went reasonably well. Many problems with timing and many […]

It’s 2:57. I’ve finished writing up the characters. I’ll print’em at my parents’ place, in the morning. The morning is not very far away. Still not much of the adventure written. I’ll have to jury-rig it during the day tomorrow. I’ll harass good people for ideas and duct-tape them together into something playable by the […]

Find a trend. Follow.

בקטגוריות: Uncategorized

5 Apr 2003

Years RPing: 15 years. Least favorite character: Favorite 3: I’ll have to list four: Kevin son of Bleys, Guthwulf Ingborsson, Jefferson Carston-Waites, and above all – Jonathan Tailsworth. Male or Female characters: Male, except for NPCs I run. Oldest character: Oldest where? His age or how long ago I played? Well, since I GMed for […]

If we were, as it were, to look at the bright side of things, to consider the full half of the glass, to remain optimistic, we could point out that the aggravation of having your car (did I say “your car”? I’m sorry, I meant “Your mother’s car”) get stuck in the mud five times, […]

פעם היה לי לייבג'ורנל. עכשיו הוא כאן, מגובה.
