Backup of my old LiveJournal blog
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4 Dec 2008Having finished John Steinbeck’s delightful Travels with Charley, I’ve now started reading Michael Chabon’s latest novel, Gentlemen of the Road, a break from his usual 20th century fare taking us to the Caucasus mountains around the turn of the first millennium, while putting his usual Jewish spin on things – an adventure story set in […]
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14 Nov 2008…and most of it is crap, like everything. But still worth observing. Dorbanot, a new site/blog, is trying to document contemporary Hebrew slang take the role of a Hebrew UrbanDictionary, though hopefully with less munging (no link – trust me. Don’t search for it if you value your lunch) Many of the terms outlined within […]
בקטגוריות: Uncategorized
3 Nov 2008בשבועיים האחרונים, שמעתי בערך 3 פעמים אנשים משתמשים בביטוי “להחליף דיסקט” במובן של לשנות תפיסה או לעבור שלב. בכל המקרים הדובר היה אדם מבוגר יחסית, ולא מישהו שגדל עם וא תוך מהפכת המחשוב כמוני אלא חווה אותה מתרחשת סביבו.אני תוהה אם היינו צריכים שהדיסקט יעבור מן העולם כאמצעי אחסון רלבנטי בשביל לקבל אותו כביטוי שגור […]
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5 Oct 2008Three linguistics notes tonight: 1) I’ve come across a cover version of Dylan’s All Along The Watchtower by one Dionysis Savopoulos, translated to Greek. The title is O Paliatsos Ki O Lisis, which translates as The Joker and the Thief – a fitting title taken from the song itself, but it’s the Greek etymology that […]
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11 Aug 2008Sometimes I like to translate songs in my head. Not a proper translation work, but like I’m sitting with someone who doesn’t speak the language, trying to explain the lyrics, the allegories, and jokes and expressions. I remember Lior Ashkenazi doing it to his German visitor in Walk on Water, breaking down Sivan Shavit’s “Kiss […]
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5 Jun 2007Seems that in order to get the franchise for hostingthe 2010 Winter Olympics, Vancouver had to grease quite a bit of palms and also agree to a series of demands by the Olympic Committee, one of which is to pass legislation defining a list of terms associated with the Olympics. These terms can be used […]
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5 Jun 2007There’s no army like the US Army, and it should come as no surprise one that its finest boys should be accorded respect not shown to regular mortals. This, at least, according to US Army Chief of Staff General Peter Schoomaker, who has ordered that military texts use the word Soldier capitalized like a proper […]
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28 Apr 2007אני חייב להודות שלמרות שאני מתעניין וחובב של תרבות אינטרנט, יש ממים (memes) שחולפים לי מעל הראש. או כי הם לא מספיק מעניינים/מדבקים, או שהם תלויי שפה/מדינה ולכן לא מגיעים אלי, ולפעמים פשוט בגלל שראיתי אותם והתעלמתי מכיוון שאני לא הייתי קהל היעד שלהם. אבל לפעמים הדברים האלה עוברים איזו מסה קריטית ובונים סביבם מספיק […]
בקטגוריות: Uncategorized
15 Apr 2007This is what happens when you go, innocuously enough, to Webster’s Online Dictionary and ask for the definition of a male rooster: I’m sorry, the word you requested may be inappropriate for children. We require a password to view the page.The answer to any of these questions is a valid password for this page: […]
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