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16 Jul 2004There is no baseline.
You look back at some point in the past and say “There, that’s how I NORMALLY am. This is a phase. I’ll be back to normal before too long”.
But there is no baseline. There is no normal. There’s now. Now changes, but it’s always now.
If something hurts, it’s not a temporary thing before things get back to normal – it’s forever until it stops, and it doesn’t stop until you do something about it.
Too many things I don’t do anything about.
This entry should have been written on my bed, but the laptop’s broken, so I had to get up.
פעם היה לי לייבג'ורנל. עכשיו הוא כאן, מגובה.
2 תגובות על “I don’t know what I can save you from” / Kings of Convenience
16 בJuly, 2004 בשעה 03:18
That’s one life lesson I’m always happy to ignore. Thank you for bringing that up :p
16 בJuly, 2004 בשעה 19:31
“Baseline” is handy like an artificial horizon at night. It keeps one from flying into the ground at high speed in the darkness, but it won’t stop one crashing into mountains. Well, that’s how I see it, yeah…