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29 Jun 2008[via Modern Mechanix]
In other news, scientists have created a device to help stop babies from sucking their thumb through a patented electro-shock thumb-ring! Much electricity can be saved with The Clapper – just clap your hands and any electrical appliances in the house will instantly shut off and explode! Lost your keys? Just whistle and this rocket-mounted key-chain will fly towards you at 40mph and lodge itself in your sternum! Hurray for science!
Extra bonus points for the image in the article of scantily clad girls (in early 50’s terms, anyway) fawning over the bow-tied, bespectacled Geiger-wielder. If that’s not image enough to give the frustrated nerd of yesteryear a faint glimmer of hope, I don’t know what is.
פעם היה לי לייבג'ורנל. עכשיו הוא כאן, מגובה.