The Curious Incident of the Meme in the Nighttime

בקטגוריות: Uncategorized

9 Jul 2006

You know, I was really all rearing to go forward with this paranoia-meme that’s been spreading like insecurity-driven wildfire, but I figured out that I don’t have 10 people to pick that I have something to say. Something interesting or important, anyway. For most people it’s “Hey, how you doin’? Everything cool? Cool. Cool”. For some it might be “Haven’t seen you in a long time. A shame. We should get together one of these days”.

Maybe 3-4 more have something coming to them, but I figured out that I’ve really lost touch with most of my LJ cloud. Enough for me to not have anything to say to many of them.


תגובה אחת על The Curious Incident of the Meme in the Nighttime



10 בJuly, 2006 בשעה 05:08

My sentiment exactly.

(Hey, how you doinw? Everything cool? Cool. Cool. Haven’t seen you in a long time. A shame. We should get together one of these days.)

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