A little late…

בקטגוריות: Uncategorized

29 Dec 2005

On the Fourth day of Christmas, my Friends List gave to me
Four hours waiting in line,
Three rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
A Double espresso
And a bunch of miscellaneous debris

dEUS – In a Bar, Under the Sea

After the Mercury Rev show, a quick recap showed that the next gig to show up on our shores is dEUS. Feeling woefully unprepared, I asked three people whose taste I value for their favorite dEUS album. Naturally, I got three different responses. Not bad for a band with three albums. (Not counting the new one, which no-one knows yet).
So my main criterion for choosing an album is the one I get my greedy little mitts on first. So I ended up with this quirkily-titled album, out of which I was only familiar with “Little Arithmetics” – a relatively quiet and soft song. This song, however, proved to be neither indicative nor unexpected in the album – the style seems to shift from track to track, seldom repeating itself – from the rock/rap of “Fell Off the Floor, Man” to the groove-setting “Supermarketsong” to crunchy guitar riffs in “Memory of a Festival”.
All in all, a good introduction to dEUS. I’ll try to get around to sampling more albums before the show.
Oh, and I like their site, too. Especially the cover of their latest album, Poclet Revolution.

Recommendations: Little Arithmetics, Memory of a Festival, and lots of video and audio footage on their site.

Summary: Good, solid rock band. Interesting music, and they’re even coming to Israel. What more could you ask for?

9 תגובות על A little late…



29 בDecember, 2005 בשעה 03:31

dEUS concert

Do you know for sure when they’re coming? The website (that I found) says dates are still unconfirmed.

I considered flying to the UK back in November to catch a concert, but that plan fell through. I WANT to see dEUS live!
I’m willing to go to some unusual lengths to do it, too.



29 בDecember, 2005 בשעה 04:40

Re: dEUS concert

I don’t know any dates yet, either. It’s supposed to be early ’06 – February or so, but that’s entirely guesswork. I’ll try to keep you posted.



29 בDecember, 2005 בשעה 04:46

Re: dEUS concert

Also, I’m personally a bit surprised you hadn’t picked up dEUS earlier.



16 בJanuary, 2006 בשעה 06:28

Re: dEUS concert

In case you’re still not up to date – the show dates are 9th, 10th and 11th of February, in Tel-Aviv, Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv, respectively.
I’ll be in the show on the 11th, probably.



17 בJanuary, 2006 בשעה 11:55

Re: dEUS concert

Thanks for the update. I doubt it will happen for me, though. February 11th is relatively soon (less than a month!) and the way things have been going recently, I don’t think I can “handle” another visit to Israel just now. Ah well…



31 בDecember, 2005 בשעה 13:00

שני יהודים, שלוש מפלגות

הדיסק האחרון שלהם מצוין. וגם הראשון. (וגם השני). ובכלל.
ויש גם דיסק מצוין של טום ברמן עם פסנתרן, עם גרסאות נוגות לשירים של דאוס והרבה קאברים לניק דרייק.

וג’ון קייל בא לארץ קודם. אמצע ינואר, אם זכרוני אינו מטעה.



31 בDecember, 2005 בשעה 14:14

Re: וג’ון קייל בא לארץ קודם.

Say, Ygg, did you ever pay Gaal back from the last time?



31 בDecember, 2005 בשעה 14:37

Re: וג’ון קייל בא לארץ קודם.

I did, actually. Assuming you’re who I think you are, it was in your going-away party.



17 בJanuary, 2006 בשעה 11:57

Re: וג’ון קייל בא לארץ קודם.

So I forgot to log in. Sue me.

טופס תגובות

פעם היה לי לייבג'ורנל. עכשיו הוא כאן, מגובה.
