“the term ‘Future Perfect’ was abandoned since it was discovered not to be” – Douglas Adams

בקטגוריות: Uncategorized

8 May 2003

Every once in a while you come across a quote – such as the one above – that simply twists your mind with its utter…
No other word quite captures the feeling you get from it.

“Salmon of Doubt” is full of those.

3 תגובות על “the term ‘Future Perfect’ was abandoned since it was discovered not to be” – Douglas Adams



8 בMay, 2003 בשעה 01:00

Isn’t it just plain ol’ wit? What’s so cool about it? It is witty, but it’s rather simple wit; what’s exceptional about it?



8 בMay, 2003 בשעה 08:54

Wit – while not commonplace – is something you can find all over the place. It raises a chuckle or an appreciative grin.
Sometimes, a witticism can slap you harder than usual – not necessarily for its being particularly intelligent or, well, witty – but because it connects just right with your mood or style or personal preference or whatnot.
That’s when it transcends wit and becomes coolness.



8 בMay, 2003 בשעה 14:32

Didn’t Salmon of Doubt just make you go “why wasn’t I told Douglas Adams has a weekly column I can read online while he was still alive?!”

The bit about making tea is also brilliant.

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