Dictionary Entry

בקטגוריות: Uncategorized

8 Mar 2005

Main Entry: 1Ladyhawke
Pronunciation: ‘lA-dE ‘hok
Function: noun
Etymology: From the 1980’s movie of the same name starring Rutger Hauer and Michelle Pfeiffer.
1 : A person who inhabits the same house/workplace/environment as you, but whose hours entirely complement yours so that you never actually meet.

Main Entry: 2Ladyhawke
Pronunciation: ‘lA-dE ‘hok
Function: verb
Etymology: From the 1980’s movie of the same name starring Rutger Hauer and Michelle Pfeiffer.
1 : To arrive at a workplace or other establishment at such hours so as to regularly miss another person.
“I keep Ladyhawking you at the university. When ARE your classes, anyway?”

2 תגובות על Dictionary Entry



9 בMarch, 2005 בשעה 00:38

Must be shitting me




9 בMarch, 2005 בשעה 01:30

You should add it to Urbandictionary.

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