My Brain Usage Profile

בקטגוריות: Uncategorized

8 Dec 2003

Auditory : 29%
Visual : 70%
Left : 57%
Right : 42%

But I don’t trust their results at all. When I reviewed my answers, it kept highlighting wrong answers for half the questions.

2 תגובות על My Brain Usage Profile



8 בDecember, 2003 בשעה 19:56

You know why?

29%+70%+57%+42%=198% …!!

You have two brains! No wonder the poor poll was confused, it wasn’t designed to handle it!



8 בDecember, 2003 בשעה 22:37

Re: You know why?

[No/Yes], I [do/don’t] have [one/two] brain[/s]!
Actually, what’s bothering me is that I have ALMOST two brains. I want my missing 2%! Where did THEY go off to?

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