There’s one born every moment – but who would want to be the midwife?

בקטגוריות: Uncategorized

22 Oct 2003

The Forward Garden is a spam database. Has a list of all those annoying jokes, meme’s, urban legends and make-money-fast schemes you’ve been getting in your inbox all the time. You’d think this would be a valuable service to society, wouldn’t you? To keep you informed of scams and spams.
But no. The Forward Garden is a service for people who want to SEND all that crap out! Do you want to enrich your friends’ life with a badly-spelled joke or let them in on the latest hot financial breakthrough, you just go browse their endless catalog (Rated for child suitability, too!) and forward away!

I hate people.

5 תגובות על There’s one born every moment – but who would want to be the midwife?



22 בOctober, 2003 בשעה 04:25

Re: There’s one born every moment – but who would want to be the midwife?

> I hate people.

That is very informative, but what is more to the point, Ygg my dear, is that people apparently hate you…



22 בOctober, 2003 בשעה 05:11

Being anonymous, I feel secure in writing:

Die, spammer, die!

Ah, wait; I’m not anonymous…



22 בOctober, 2003 בשעה 05:27

Re: There’s one born every moment – but who would want to be the midwife?

This comment serves to punctuate your post. People are stupid, mean cowards. I hate them too.



22 בOctober, 2003 בשעה 05:45

We *all* hate Yggdrasil_.

No doubt. Hate, that’s what pops to mind when we think of . He invokes nothing more in people. In fact, I don’t think I know a single person who can bear this abnoxious being more than 24 years.

And (happily) counting.



22 בOctober, 2003 בשעה 07:50

You tell it, sista’ !

A man so debased and repulsive, they discharged from the IDF in disgrace after only six years !

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