פוסטים מחודש August, 2003

Current culinary experiment: 1 Pita, seperated into two halves. 1 jar Salsa, hot. Grated Parmesan. Some Kabanos sausage Oregano Basil Onion Put everthing on top of the two Pita halves, in order, for a quick makeshift pizza-like taco. I wish I hada toaster-oven…

ijon’s meme

בקטגוריות: Uncategorized

11 Aug 2003

As originated here. This is a meme that takes hours to complete. Hmpf. My posts: The Asteroid post. The Bowie post, where Dotan’s comment made my day. And this. Others hattie‘s Religion post and the discussions it spawned. passacaglio‘s Summer post. Gaal‘s Portmanteaus, for being so much fun. Practically anything in nazgoula‘s LJ, but specifically […]

Soft drink update: Coca Cola has released a new flavor in their ever-expanding Fanta line, probably as a response to Virgin’s colorful bites into the market. The new flavor is rather exotically titled “Shokata!”, is virulently green in color and whose flavor is defined as “Elder blossom and Lemon”. Now, I wouldn’t know an Elder […]

Know yourself.

בקטגוריות: Uncategorized

6 Aug 2003



פעם היה לי לייבג'ורנל. עכשיו הוא כאן, מגובה.
